The Non-Skating Official Guides are open to contributions from the officiating community. Contributions can run the gamut from fixing a typo to writing a brand-new guide.
- Sign up for a free GitHub account if you do not already have one. GitHub is a collaboration tool, and it holds the data that makes up this site. GitHub is often used by software developers, but don't worry - you don't need to know anything about coding to use our editing features.
Find Your Workspace
You'll follow different paths based on whether you'd like to edit an existing guide or create a new one.
Edit an Existing Guide
- Navigate to the guide you'd like to edit on the site.
- In the header (where the guide's title is), click "Edit This Guide".
- If you're not signed in to GitHub, sign in.
- You may need to click through one or two screens that set up your personal editing space.
- If you're asked to authorize Nonskating.Club, click Authorize.
- If you see a message that "We need to use a fork on your GitHub account", click "Fork this repository".
- You'll land on an editor page for the guide you selected.
Create a New Guide
- Navigate to the admin site.
- If you're not signed in to GitHub, sign in.
- You may need to click through one or two screens that set up your personal editing space.
- If you're asked to authorize Nonskating.Club, click Authorize.
- If you see a message that "We need to use a fork on your GitHub account", click "Fork this repository".
- In the editor interface, click "Quick add", then "Guides".
- Write! Our content management system (CMS) provides a rich text editor so you can see a preview of your words as they'll appear to readers.
- Click Save when you're ready. The CMS will guide you through contributing changes.
- Editors will review and merge your changes.